Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask a Jacksonville Propane Company
Propane Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask a Jacksonville Propane Company
Lights on, lights off- the best methods for saving energy in the home becomes almost meditative. With technology changing, homeowners looking to reduce the carbon footprint, and of course, save money, are turning to propane gas as an energy alternative, making it more efficient to achieve energy success with a multitude of functions.
From propane water heaters to pool heaters and every day appliances such as gas powered fireplaces and patio heaters, it’s a propane world, and it benefits are waiting to be discovered. Not sure about switching your home to gas? There’s no need to feel overwhelmed. Here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions that residential and commercial property owners ask propane gas companies.
I don’t know anything about propane!
New to the propane game? The big difference is that propane is delivered by a representative from a gas company, and your gas tank/ appliances are inspected and refilled. Your gas company can help you get set up with a consistent maintenance plan and distinguish any problems that may arise. There is usually a contact sticker on the gas tank to call, or if you’re renting your home, the landlord can provide the details. Learn about the smell of propane, so it’s easier to identify leaks and then call your gas provider for repair.
How does propane heating compare to electric heating?
Numerous homeowners are making the switch to gas for heating purposes due to the economical and efficiency benefits offered. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, propane water heaters can cost one-third less to operate and recover water twice as quickly as electric water heaters. It’s also a green energy source, having been approved as an alternative fuel by the Clean Air Act of 1990 and the National Energy Policy Act of 1992.
How can I use propane gas in my home?
You’d be surprised how many ways you can use propane! When it comes down to it, if it’s electric, it can probably be powered by propane gas as well. Here are a few of the ways you can power your home with gas:
- Fireplaces
- Firepits
- Water heaters
- Outdoor living
- Pool & Spa
- Home heating
- Generators